Liviana Dan, Contemporary Art Gallery curator, Brukenthal Museum, Sibiu
... Radu Serban is an image researcher himself. In his representation, the multiple reality is as complex as the images’ reality. Research in painting is on the edge: having to radically paint a last image. Radu Serban is aware of the fact that society can easily turn its loyalty from one aesthetic manner to another. The joy towards painting and the special interest showed for, in Radu Serban’s case, lyrical abstraction, remains an essay for better times. A well known German theorist, Wilhelm Worringer, considers abstraction like an imense need for silence. Radu Serban’s psychological approach induced in this exhibition is, in fact, an imense need for silence.
(speech for Radu Serban’s opening at the Imagined Places, Things and Faces exhibition, UAP Gallery, Sibiu, 2009)
Translated by Gaby Brezean